Welcome to

Modern College of Education

Modern College of Education, under the Management of the Modern Education Society, Hyderabad, has been established during the year 2002 with an aim of committing to provide consistent quality education and training to the student teachers. Our vision is to instill the spirit of fellowship among the Teacher Educators, irrespective of caste, creed and religion, and to prepare them to become global citizens through cooperation and peaceful co-existence. TSEDCET College Code is MDRM

Infrastructure/ Facilities



ICT Resource Centre – Computer Lab, Curriculum Resource Center lab



Particulars of the Books available in the Library, list of referred journals



Classrooms where lectures of all subjects will be carried out

Our Management

Modern College of Education is functioning under the sponsorship of the Modern Education Society, Hyderabad and the guidelines of the Governing Body of the Society. Mr. Mohd Afzaluddin Ahmed famous Educationalist, is the Chairman of the Modern College of Education.